The Punt Return: Betting On The NFL - Week 6
Last updated: Oct 11, 2018, 11:49AM | Published: Oct 11, 2018, 10:51AM
Josh Wye joins Dr Darryl "Data" Woodford in the Stats Insider Melbourne office to provide crystal clear audio for the very first time in 2018!
Unfortunately that meant Josh Wootton couldn't make it this week but left his value plays in the capable hands of Josh and D3 as they run their eyes - and the Stats Insider model - over Week 6 of NFL action.
Dr Data also gave us abit of a deep dive into the psychologies of bookmaking and betting, as well as how machine-learning models work under the hood in extreme circumstances. Make sure to take notice for some general betting tips at around the 20.30 minute mark!
Wait... is that TWO Locks of the Week?
* Teams that are 3-2 make the NFL Playoffs 48.3% of the time since 2002
* Teams that are 2-3 make the NFL Playoffs just 20.9% of the time since 2002
0.00 Intro
1.09 Week 5 Frustrations
3.30 Week 5 Lock of the Week & Results
6:30 Stats Insider
7.10 #PHIvsNYG #TNF Stats Insider Featured Game
9.25 #ARIvsMIN
11.16 #LACvsCLE #LockOfTheWeek?
12.33 #CHIvsMIA
13.20 #CARvsWAS
14.37 #INDvsNYJ
17.11 #PITvsCIN
21.58 #SEAvsOAK #London #InternationalSeries
25.50 #BUFvsHOU
26.55 #LAvsDEN
28.27 #JAXvsDAL
28.54 #BALvsTEN #SNF Stats Insider Featured Game #LockOfTheWeek?
32.40 #SFvsGB #MNF Stats Insider Featured Game #MANvsMACHINE
34.22 Stats Insider Premium
34.55 Lock/s of the Week
36.15 Final Thoughts
37.13 Twitter
37.35 Outro
Check out for more NFL value plays from the Stats Insider machine-learning prediction model.
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