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The Punt Return: Betting on the NFL - Week 7

It's a week of superstitions and tinfoil hats as the boys from The Woot & Wye Show team up once again with Stats Insider's Darryl "Dr Data" Woodford to discuss Week 7 NFL Bets.

Josh Wootton has his tinfoil hat on with regards to his Eagles' results when a certain referee is on the field. Woot also thinks Eli Manning is done. Cooked. "Scraping the burnt bits into the sink" finished.

Josh Wye has his tinfoil hat on with Washington's win-loss record, and gives us a ridiculously long statistic to fuel his belief that "Washington are due for a loss this week."

Darryl goes back to the psychology of betting, with "high totals over, low totals under." Whatever that means.


Every time the O/U line has been 57+ in NFL betting history, the score has gone OVER.

Only 14 teams have a winning record.

One undefeated team left. Will they remain undefeated after Week 7?

Listen below. Subscribe. Share. Retweet. Join the conversation with the #PuntReturnPodcast.

0.00 Intro

1.45 Week 6 Lock of the Week: 4-2 W/L

2.33 Week 6 Betting Results

4.58 Stats Insider "Other Sports"

6.07 Stats Insider

6.28 #DENvsARI #TNF 

7.28 #TENvsLAC #LondonGame #InternationalSeries


13.47 #DETvsMIA


16.45 #CARvsPHI

19.07 #BUFvsIND

20.47 #MINvsNYJ

21.22 #HOUvsJAX

23.33 #NOvsBAL

24.12 #DALvsWAS

26.15 #LAvsSF

28.10 #CINvsKC #SNF Stats Insider Featured Game

30.58 #NYGvsATL #MNF Stats Insider Featured Game

32.56 Stats Insider Premium

33.18 Lock of the Week?


36.45 Final Thoughts

38.03 Stats Insider FREE TRIAL

38.18 Outro


Check out www.statsinsider.com.au/nfl/ for more NFL value plays from the Stats Insider machine-learning prediction model, and get your 5-day Free Trial today.

Join the conversation! Tweet us at @StatsInsider, @dpwoodford & @WootandWye with hashtag #PuntReturnPodcast and we'll do our best to reply on twitter, or your question might be answered on next week's show!

Woot & Wye

When it comes to NFL commentary in Australia, look no further than Joshua Wootton & Joshua Wye. Their podcast, appropriately named after their surnames, has been the home for all things NFL in Australia for 5+ seasons. The Woot and Wye Show covers all aspects of the National Football League including Fantasy Football, DFS, Betting and the Draft. They bring you fresh and fun football analysis every single week. If they’re not talking NFL you’ll find them chowing down burritos at your nearest Guzman Y Gomez. You can talk football with them on Twitter by giving them a follow @wootandwye.

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